Beispiel: Lerninteresse wecken


  • Ideen für kreative, themenbezogene Rätsel und Quizze entwickeln.
  • Unterstützung beim Schreiben von fesselnden Szenarien für Rollenspiele.
  • Inspiration für Projekte, die reale Anwendungen des Lernstoffs aufzeigen.


  • Rätsel und Quizze: Entwicklung eines thematischen Kreuzworträtsels für einen Geschichtsunterricht über das antike Rom.
  • Rollenspiele: Erstellung eines Szenarios, in dem Schüler:innen als Umweltaktivisten in einer Debatte über Klimawandel teilnehmen.
  • Projekte: Anleitung für ein Projekt, bei dem Schüler:innen eine kleine Geschäftsidee entwickeln und präsentieren.

Lerngruppe: Födermaterial für die Berufsschule im Fach Englisch Themenbereich: ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS

Disclaimer: Ausgangslage ist ein Arbeitsblatt zum Thema: ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBSADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS der BBS I in Lüneburg

Es konzentriert sich auf die Vermittlung und Übungen zu Adjektiven und Adverbien im Englischen. Das Material beinhaltet Erklärungen zur Bildung und Anwendung dieser Wortarten, inklusive Beispiele und Übungsaufgaben.

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Textgrundlage erstellen – Rollenspiel

Hierzu generieren wir zunächst einen Grundlagentext in der Form eines Rollenspiels.


Du bist Berufsschullehrer für Födermaterial für die Berufsschule im Fach Englisch

Lerngruppe: Födermaterial für die Berufsschule im Fach Englisch


Erstelle auf Basis der Inhalte der PDF einen Rollenspiel in dem die Lernenden die Anwendung von ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS üben können.

- Der Kontext des Rollenspiels ist eine Person in der Lehre. 
- Länge des Rollenspiels etwas 300 Wörter
- Zielsprache ist Englisch
- Sprachniveau ist B1
- Verwende folgende Wörter: 
    - sad 
    - quiet 
    - nervous 
    - soft
    - good
    - low
    - fast
    - straight
    - hard
    - extra
    - long
    - happy
    - angry
    - slow
    - careful
    - excellent
    - easy
    - awful
    - extreme
    - terrible
    - wonderful

Einführung des Rollenspiels Dies kam erst nach der Erstellung des Dialogs


 Describe the Szenario as an introduction for the students


Welcome to our role-play exercise! Today, you'll step into a real-world situation at a car repair workshop. In this scenario, you are either an apprentice, a senior technician, or a customer. As an apprentice, you're working on a car repair, focusing on details and dealing with nervousness. The senior technician supervises and guides you, offering encouragement and expertise. Meanwhile, a customer is eagerly waiting for their car, showcasing various emotions. 

Ergebnis der Prompts zur Erstellung des Rollenspiels:

**Title:** A Day at the Workshop

1. Alex (Apprentice)
2. Jordan (Senior Technician)
3. Taylor (Customer)

**Scene:** At a car repair workshop


*(Alex is working quietly on a car. Jordan approaches.)*

**Jordan:** "Alex, how's the car repair going?"

**Alex:** "I'm working carefully, but I'm a bit nervous. The engine sounds weird."

**Jordan:** (inspecting the engine) "You're doing well, but let's check it together. Sometimes, these old models run a bit low."

*(They work on the engine. Alex fixes a part straight and tightens it hard.)*

**Alex:** "It seems better now. I hope it runs smoothly."

**Jordan:** "Good job! You're learning fast. Remember, practice makes perfect."

*(Taylor, the customer, enters.)*

**Taylor:** "Is my car ready? I've been waiting for so long."

**Jordan:** "Alex has done an excellent job. Let's start the engine."

*(The car starts smoothly. Taylor looks happy.)*

**Taylor:** "Wow, it sounds great now! I'm so relieved."

**Alex:** "I'm glad you're satisfied. I worked really hard on it."

**Taylor:** (smiling) "I can tell. It runs wonderfully now. Thank you!"

**Jordan:** "Alex, you handled that situation very professionally."

**Alex:** "Thank you, Jordan. I was a bit anxious at first, but now I feel more confident."

**Jordan:** "That's the spirit! Every challenge is an opportunity to grow."

**Taylor:** "Keep up the good work, Alex. I'll recommend your workshop to my friends."

**Jordan:** "We appreciate that, Taylor. Drive safely!"

**Taylor:** "I will, thanks again!"

*(Taylor leaves happily. Jordan pats Alex on the back.)*

**Jordan:** "Let's clean up and get ready for the next task. You're doing excellently."

**Alex:** (smiling) "I'm ready for it!"

*(They start tidying up the workspace, preparing for the next job.)*

Audio als alternativer Aneignungsweg

Mithilfe eines kostenlosen Online Dienstes erstellen wir ebenfalls eine Audiodatei des Dialogs.

Mit einer kostenlosen Text-to-Speech Webseite, die Audiodatei erstellt. Hiervon gibt es sehr viele auf dem Markt, ich habe verwendet.

Weiter Materialien und Aneignungswege erstellen

Wordbank erstellen


Use the dialog and create a word bank ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBSADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS. 

Leave space for students to type in the correct answer



Quiet / Quietly

Nervous / Nervously

Good / Well

Low / Low

Fast / Fast

Straight / Straight

Hard / Hard (Note: "Hardly" has a different meaning, i.e., barely or scarcely)

Extra / Extra

Long / Long

Happy / Happily

Angry / Angrily

Slow / Slowly

Careful / Carefully

Excellent / Excellently

Easy / Easily

Awful / Awfully

Extreme / Extremely

Terrible / Terribly

Wonderful / Wonderfully

Lückentext zum Rollenspiel erstellen


Use the dialog and create a word bank ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBSADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS. 

Leave space for students to type in the correct answer


**Title:** A Day at the Workshop

1. Alex (Apprentice)
2. Jordan (Senior Technician)
3. Taylor (Customer)

**Jordan:** "Alex, how's the car repair going?"

**Alex:** "I'm working ________, but I'm a bit ________. The engine ________ weird."

**Jordan:** (inspecting the engine) "You're doing _______, but let's check it together. Sometimes, these old models run a bit _______."

*(They work on the engine. Alex fixes a part ________ and tightens it _________.)*

**Alex:** "It ________ better now. I hope it runs ________."

**Jordan:** "_______ job! You're learning _______. Remember, practice makes perfect."

*(Taylor, the customer, enters.)*

**Taylor:** "Is my car ready? I've been waiting for so _______."

**Jordan:** "Alex has done an _________ job. Let's start the engine."

*(The car starts smoothly. Taylor looks ________.)*

**Taylor:** "Wow, it ________ great now! I'm so relieved."

**Alex:** "I'm glad you're satisfied. I worked really ________ on it."

**Taylor:** (smiling) "I can tell. It runs __________ now. Thank you!"

**Jordan:** "Alex, you handled that situation very ________."

**Alex:** "Thank you, Jordan. I was a bit anxious at first, but now I feel more ________."

**Jordan:** "That's the spirit! Every challenge is an opportunity to ________."

**Taylor:** "Keep up the _______ work, Alex. I'll recommend your workshop to my friends."

**Jordan:** "We appreciate that, Taylor. Drive _______!"

**Taylor:** "I will, thanks again!"

*(Taylor leaves ________. Jordan pats Alex on the back.)*

**Jordan:** "Let's clean up and get ready for the next task. You're doing _________."

**Alex:** (smiling) "I'm ready for it!"

*(They start tidying up the workspace, preparing for the next job.)*

1. Read the script of the role-play.
2. Identify the blanks where adjectives and adverbs are needed.
3. Choose the appropriate word from the word bank to fill each blank.
4. Pay attention to the context to decide whether an adjective or an adverb is suitable.

Methodische Idee: Die zuvor erstellte Audiodatei könnte an dieser Stelle auch zur Korrektur verwendet werden.

Quiz auf Basis des Dialogs

Dieses Quiz könnte mithilfe von Kahoot oder anderen Tools, nach der Grammatikwiederholung durchgeführt werden.

Quiz: Adjectives and Adverbs in Context

  1. When Alex says the engine sounds „______,“ which adverb should be used to describe how the engine is functioning? a) happily b) weirdly c) angrily d) softly
  2. Jordan mentions that Alex is doing „_______.“ What adjective best describes Alex’s performance? a) terrible b) good c) awful d) easy
  3. How did Alex fix the part in the engine? a) quietly b) straight c) slowly d) terribly
  4. Taylor has been waiting for a „______“ time. Which word best fills this blank? a) fast b) long c) hard d) extra
  5. Jordan describes the challenge as an opportunity to „______.“ Which verb fits best here? a) smell b) grow c) taste d) hear
  6. When the car starts smoothly, Taylor looks „_______.“ Which adjective best describes Taylor’s emotion? a) nervous b) angry c) happy d) terrible
  7. Alex worked „_______“ on the car. Which adverb describes the effort put in by Alex? a) softly b) hard c) carefully d) fastly
  8. At the end of the interaction, Taylor leaves „_______.“ Which adverb should be used here? a) angrily b) happily c) slowly d) carefully

Speaking: eigenes Rollenspiel


Die Lernenden sollen nur selbstständig eigene Rollenspiele entwickeln. Erstelle dafür nun 5. Beispiel Szenarien. 

Gebe für alle Beispiele, ebenfalls Useful Phrases und Vorschläge für Wörter an- Beziehe die word bank mit ein.


Here are five example scenarios for students to develop their own role-plays, along with useful phrases and suggested words incorporating the provided word bank:

1. **At a Restaurant**
   - Scenario: A customer at a restaurant is trying various dishes and giving feedback to the chef.
   - Useful Phrases: "This dish tastes __________.", "I'm __________ impressed with the service.", "Could you cook this __________?"
   - Suggested Words: deliciously, extremely, carefully

2. **Job Interview**
   - Scenario: A job interview where the applicant describes their skills and experiences.
   - Useful Phrases: "I handle tasks __________.", "In my previous job, I was known for being __________.", "I learn new skills __________."
   - Suggested Words: efficiently, reliable, quickly

3. **At a Clothing Store**
   - Scenario: A customer trying on clothes and interacting with a store assistant.
   - Useful Phrases: "This fits me __________.", "Do you have this in a __________ size?", "I'm looking for something more __________."
   - Suggested Words: perfectly, different, stylish

4. **Travel Agency Interaction**
   - Scenario: A customer planning a vacation with a travel agent, discussing various destinations.
   - Useful Phrases: "I want my trip to be __________.", "Is this location __________ for families?", "I heard the view there is __________."
   - Suggested Words: relaxing, suitable, breathtaking

5. **School Project Discussion**
   - Scenario: Students collaborating on a school project, sharing ideas and planning.
   - Useful Phrases: "We should approach this topic __________.", "Your idea sounds __________.", "Let's divide the work __________."
   - Suggested Words: creatively, interesting, evenly

Mögliches Unterrichtsszenario:


  1. Wiederholung der Grammatik:
    1. Wissensaneignung durch:
      1. Youtube Video
      2. Arbeitsblatt
    2. Anwendung 1/2 Übungen
  2. Einführung des Szenarios
  3. Quiz mit Kahoot oder ähnliches als Einstieg und „Assessment“ Möglichkeit
  4. GA – Lückentext zum Rollenspiel + word bank
    1. Korrektur über die Audiodatei bzw. den Dialog.
  5. Sicherung: Vorstellung des Rollenspiels von 1 bis 3 Gruppen
  6. Speaking: Eigene kleine Rollenspiele mithilfe eines „Beispiel“ Szenarios
    1. Optionen:
      1. Vorstellung vor der Lerngruppe
      2. Aufnahme des Rollenspiels und einreichen als Lernprodukt
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