A Dashboard in Anytype

In one of my previous articles, I introduced the PARA system, which represents an effective method for information organization. Read more about it in my article on PARA in Anytype.

However, to ensure that you quickly receive all the necessary information and can pursue your goals efficiently, a dashboard is essential. Such a dashboard serves as a central overview and facilitates access to the most important information and tasks.

In Anytype, I created such a dashboard that is based exclusively on Inline-Sets. The advantage is that the dashboard automatically adapts depending on how my information and tasks change. This always ensures a current and relevant overview that helps me work efficiently and focused.

Dashboard Overview

The Anytype dashboard is designed to provide a clear and structured overview of various aspects of your work. It consists of five main blocks, which I will explain step by step:

  1. Projects and Areas: This is the first block of the dashboard. Here you will find all ongoing and planned projects as well as the associated work areas (Areas). This block gives you a quick overview of your main tasks and priorities.
  2. Resources: The second block lists all the resources you need for your projects and tasks. These can be documents, links, tools, or other materials that are important for the successful execution of your projects.
  3. Processes: These represent extensive processes from different projects and do not represent individual tasks.
  4. Meeting notes: The fourth block is dedicated to notes and protocols from meetings. Here you can record all important information, decisions, and next steps from your meetings and easily access them.

PARA Overview

Structuring the Dashboard in Anytype

An efficient dashboard in Anytype is characterized by its clear structure and user-friendliness. Here are the steps I followed when creating my dashboard:

  1. Inline-Sets in List-View for Projects and Areas: As a first step, I integrated Inline-Sets in List-View format for projects and work areas (Areas). This allows quick and uncomplicated access to all relevant task areas. With just one click, I can dive into the respective area and immediately have all the associated information and tasks in view.
  2. Inline-Sets for Daily Journals: As a complement to the projects and areas, I added an Inline-Set for Daily Journals. This is used to record daily notes, thoughts, and insights. However, I must admit that I have not yet managed to consistently integrate keeping a daily journal into my daily routine. However, it is a goal of mine to do this more regularly in the future to further increase my productivity and self-reflection.

Resources Overview

A central element of my dashboard in Anytype is the „Resources“ section. Here I have summarized all the important resources and tools that I regularly need for my work and projects.

  1. Links to important resources: On the left side of the dashboard, I created a list with direct links to my most important resources. These links provide me with quick access to frequently used tools, documents, or websites, so I don’t have to constantly search for them.
  2. Gallery-View of all Sets: Directly next to the link list is a Gallery-View that visualizes all my sets in Anytype. This view mode gives me a visual overview of all resource sets and allows me to dive into the respective set with just one click and view all the associated information in detail.

Process & Meeting Overview

Efficient management of processes and meetings is crucial for the success of a project. In my Anytype dashboard, I have set up special areas to clearly and accessibly present these aspects:

  1. Process Overview: First, I integrated an Inline-Set that filters tasks by the type „Process“. These are extensive and ongoing processes that make up a significant part of my work. This special presentation gives me a clear idea at a glance of which processes are currently in progress and where there may be a need for action.
  2. Meeting Notes: Another important element is the Inline-Set for meeting notes. This displays all meetings that take place or have taken place in the current month. This way, I always keep an overview of upcoming meetings, can prepare specifically for them, and don’t miss any important appointments.

Even though Anytype is still in its beta phase, the software operates extremely smoothly and reliably. I have encountered no issues while using it and find the application to be very user-friendly and efficient. For anyone interested in an innovative tool for knowledge management and information organization, Anytype is definitely worth exploring. The software can be downloaded from the Anytype.io website.

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons License CC-BY-4.0 and may be freely shared, distributed, and edited with attribution of authorship. CC-BY-4.0 Christian Haake Changelog: – initial

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